03-23-2019, 11:16 AM
by hero » Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:57 am
IPS-2: Seismic Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures
This publication is the work of a dedicated team that arranged the results of its investigation of the present state of seismic rehabilitation methods and their subsequent research of various evaluation methods. It is believed that this report will become a foundation to develop additional research in this field. The technical review section is organized into six categories as follows: 1) state of seismic rehabilitation; 2) target performance for rehabilitation; 3) rehabilitation of members by jacketing; 4) rehabilitation of frame structures; 5) response control rehabilitation; and 6) new seismic rehabilitation techniques. This publication also includes 16 research papers presented in June 2000 at a technical meeting held in Japan on the Evaluation of Seismic Rehabilitation.
To learn more or to order this document, go to IPS-2: Seismic Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures. $97.50 (ACI members $59.00); Order Code IPS2.EM.
How to order:
Phone: 248-848-3800, and mention order code IPS2.EM
Click: IPS-2: Seismic Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures
Additional ACI Seismic Publications
ACI has additional seismic titles - a list of these items are included on the right side of the web page that appears when you click on one of the links above.
If you are an ACI member, be sure to log in to obtain the member discount. Prices do not include postage and, if applicable, tax. Expedited delivery (overnight or two-day) is available. Contact ACI for appropriate tax and postage fees. For additional information, visit ACI's online bookstore at, e-mail, or call 248-848-3800.
American Concrete Institute
Phone: 248-848-3800
P.O. Box 9094
Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9094
IPS-2: Seismic Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures
This publication is the work of a dedicated team that arranged the results of its investigation of the present state of seismic rehabilitation methods and their subsequent research of various evaluation methods. It is believed that this report will become a foundation to develop additional research in this field. The technical review section is organized into six categories as follows: 1) state of seismic rehabilitation; 2) target performance for rehabilitation; 3) rehabilitation of members by jacketing; 4) rehabilitation of frame structures; 5) response control rehabilitation; and 6) new seismic rehabilitation techniques. This publication also includes 16 research papers presented in June 2000 at a technical meeting held in Japan on the Evaluation of Seismic Rehabilitation.
To learn more or to order this document, go to IPS-2: Seismic Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures. $97.50 (ACI members $59.00); Order Code IPS2.EM.
How to order:
Phone: 248-848-3800, and mention order code IPS2.EM
Click: IPS-2: Seismic Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures
Additional ACI Seismic Publications
ACI has additional seismic titles - a list of these items are included on the right side of the web page that appears when you click on one of the links above.
If you are an ACI member, be sure to log in to obtain the member discount. Prices do not include postage and, if applicable, tax. Expedited delivery (overnight or two-day) is available. Contact ACI for appropriate tax and postage fees. For additional information, visit ACI's online bookstore at, e-mail, or call 248-848-3800.
American Concrete Institute
Phone: 248-848-3800
P.O. Box 9094
Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9094