by ken » Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:35 pm

ACI 318-08: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary

ACI 318 is a must-have standard for all professionals engaged in concrete design, construction, and inspection, containing the latest code requirements for structural concrete. The companion commentary, in a side-by-side column format to match the corresponding code requirements, provides background information for code provisions.

This edition of the ACI Building Code is deemed to satisfy the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 19338E:2007, Performance Assessment Requirements for Design Standards on Structural Concrete.

Numerous countries worldwide have adopted previous versions of ACI 318.

To learn more or to order this document, go to ACI 318-08: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary. $167.50 (ACI members $101.00); Order Code 31808.EM.

How to order:
Phone: 248-848-3800, and mention order code 31808.EM
Click: ACI 318-08: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary

If you are an ACI member, be sure to log in to obtain the member discount. Prices do not include postage and, if applicable, tax. Expedited delivery (overnight or two-day) is available. Contact ACI for appropriate tax and postage fees. For additional information, visit ACI's online bookstore at, e-mail, or call 248-848-3800.

American Concrete Institute
Phone: 248-848-3800

P.O. Box 9094
Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9094