by JH » Wed Oct 04, 2006 7:46 pm

c links in page above or google.

1) Writely - The “Web word processor.” Allows you to save your work and documents on the Web, and access them from anywhere.

2) Soundslides - Storytelling management made easy. Allows you to easily merge sound and audio to create and audio slideshow presentations. Requires a small registration fee.

3) Bluedot.Us - A great social bookmarking/networking service. With the click of a button, you can “Dot” a Web site / page that you find interesting and instantly share it with all of your friends. Perfect for groups of students who have similar interests - it’s an easy way to share information.

4) eFax - Need to receive a fax? Do it for free over e-mail! eFax will hook you up with a phone number that you can give to people…your faxes will show up in your inbox.

5) PDF Online - Create PDFs for free. I’ve used this on numerous occasions in conjunctions w/ e-fax. It’s great when you don’t have a scanner handy. Just e-fax yourself the document and then convert it into a pdf.

6) Google Calendar - Add events and activities to this simple and easy to use calendar. You can also share your calendar with other people, have multiple calendars, and have events e-mailed to you or sent to your cell phone.

7) Google Spreadsheets - I’ve only just started using this, but it seems like a great way to create and save spreadsheets online.

8) Bloglines - A way to search for and subscribe to news feeds and blogs. Not so new anymore, but I use it every day.

9) Technorati - They claim to track 51.3 million blogs. You can search for pretty much any type of blog you are looking for. However, I have heard there are other (perhaps better) options to Technorati these days.

10) mynoteIT - mynoteIT is a free service built for students to help keep school information organized and have it easily accessable whenever, wherever.